VoxML Track at ISA-17 2021
New Shared Task!
As part of the 17th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA), taking place virtual in conjunction with IWCS 2021 (hosted by the University of Groningen), we are rebooting the image annotation shared task! As part of a proposal to develop VoxML into an ISO Standard for the representation of visual information, we will be rolling out a new annotation interface and soliciting annotations from all corners of the NLP, computational linguistics, annotation, and computer vision communities! More information about ISA and the VoxML special track can be found here.
We ask participants in the shared task to annotate as many of the images as they can using the provided tool, and to submit a short project note (up to 4pp) covering the adequacy of the annotation guideline, facility of the annotation tool, properties they observed in the raw image data while annotating, and optional deeper investigations into other things that would be interesting to annotate (other data, other properties we should have included, problems pertaining to standardization, etc.). These will be reviewed for presentation (oral or poster) at ISA, space permitting.
The images and annotation tool are publicly available here. We will make the compiled data available to all participants in the task before we make the dataset public. and the dataset for the shared task is posted.